Mayor's Charity Night

Thank You to Everyone Who Supported The Mayor's Charity Night Raising Money For Local Charities

MHS - Shropshire Mental Health Support  and Omega... Ending Isolation - Ending Loneliness

Proud to Host the Mayor of Shrewsbury's Charity Curry Night 

Alfu Miah, Harun Miah, Andrew Jones - Toastmaster, Sally Nicholson, Foyjul Hassan, Mayor of Shrewsbury, High Sheriff of Shropshire, Abdul Hamid

Lea Cross Tandoori

"We are dedicated to empowering individuals facing mental health challenges, ensuring they feel heard, supported, and understood. Our mission is to raise awareness, deepen understanding, and nurture empathy in communities, so no one has to face their difficulties alone".

Clive Ireland CEO of Shropshire Mental Health Support

Clive Ireland CEO of Shropshire Mental Health Support

Alex Meek, Omega Anti-loneliness Charity

"Omega is an anti-loneliness charity, fighting against loneliness offering telephone befriending and a traditional letter penpal befriending service this helps to increase confidence and reduce isolation in the county".

Alex Meek, Omega Anti-loneliness Charity

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Lucy Pritchard and Alex Meek of Omega

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr David Vasmer - Mayor of Shrewsbury, Andy Jones - Toastmaster, High Sheriff of Shropshire Brian Welti

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr Ian Wellings Mayor of Bridgnorth, Mayoress Mrs Pauline Wellings, Mayor of Shrewsbury David Vasmer, High Sheriff of Shropshire Brian Welti, Cllr Beverley Waite - Mayor of Ludlow and Consort Cllr Stuart Waite

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr David Vasmer - Mayor of Shrewsbury, Brian Welti High Sheriff of Shropshire, Mandy Thorn – Junior Warden of Shrewsbury Drapers, Sarah Smith, Sally and Nick Nicholson, Rhys Gratton - Mayor's Consort

Cllr Ian Preece - Mayor of Telford with Mayoress Cllr Zola Harrington

Cllr Ian Preece - Mayor of Telford with Mayoress Cllr Zona Harrington

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Nicola Tribe Headteacher at Adcote School, Judith and Steve Williams, John and Mrs Pritchard

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr Liz Woodridge, Deputy Mayor of Ellesmere with guest Suzanne, Trevor Hunt-Master of Shrewsbury Drapers and Ben Jephcott

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr Andy Hall - Mayor of Whitchurch and Bernie Bentick and guests

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Cllr Alex Wagner – Shrewsbury Town Council and Deputy Mayor of Shrewsbury, Cllr Stuart Waite, Cllr Rob Wilson – Shrewsbury Town Councillor, Artur, Adam and Kate Fejfer

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Andy Hopkins, Dave and Jackie Sheldon, Karen Hopkins

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Wayne Gethings of Housing Plus Group and Susie

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori
Mark and Gwen Wellings, Helen Ball Town Clerk of Shrewsbury Town Council
Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Steve and Hannah Gillan

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Stuart Thomas, Mark Morrison, Neil Savage, Andy Carey, Mark Sheppard, Carol Wilkinson, Val Sheppard, Caroline Savage, Teresa Carey, Tom Fenton, Nick Williams

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Beverley Baker Former Mayor of Shrewsbury with guest, Steve and Pauline Jones of Shrewsbury Street Pastors

Mayor of Shrewsbury Charity Night - Lea Cross Tandoori

Dan Woodvine, Roy Munton, Clive Ireland of Mental Health Shropshire, Tony Edwards, Lucy Pritchard, Alex Meek of Omega, Lynda Munton, Heather Ireland
